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  The image “file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Admin/Mis%20documentos/fotossendTango/TSvetaJuliaSmall.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.An Author´s Evening - The  DOBROLUBOV Library in Moscow -  may 2008  The image “file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Admin/Mis%20documentos/MYBESTSHUTS/26MAY2008MOSCUbw.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Photo gallery from the movie  by Viktor Sergeev.
 6 of  novemer 2008 The Russian Embassy, Madrid The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Intl. COLOQUIEM with  participation of  Sv. Deon,  organized by MAGI and  CLUB XXI CENTURUY
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Writer - poet - ballet dancer
A member of  The Writers Union of Russia
(MGO - Moscow City Organization); 
Awarded  literary awards and medals of Chechov and Griboedov for the achievement in Russian literature.

Svetlana Danielle Deon
was born in Saint Petersburg.  In early 80’s immigrated to the United States  where she obtained her Master’s Degree in International Marketing with minor in Philology at The Columbian University of New York. Professional ballet dancer -Vaganova school.  In 1999 the Russian Television Network in USA (RTN) filmed a documentary “The Poetic flight of a Russian Terpsichore” - about a poet and ballet dancer  Svetlana Deon:  The author of 5 poetry books in Russian (("Ne dyshi bez menja"/ “DON´T BREATH WITHOUT ME”– Hermitage press, USA 1998, .   “Tysjacha i odna zhiznn" / Thousand And One LIFE” – BLITS, SPB Russia 1998, “Kruzhevo vremeni"/”TIMELACE” – Limbus, SPB 2002),  "Nebesni Pochtalion"/"Celestial Postman" with CD of Songs written by composer/musician Igor Tukalo, West Consulting, Moscow 2010)  and a novel The LOVEBEGGAR (RETRO, SPB 2006) nominated in 2006 for National Bestseller in Russia (Нацбест). Writes poetry in Russian, English, Spanish and French. A finalist in  “Pushkin in Britain Competition” – 2004. Her poetry and prose in Russian had won 4 awards and form part of 10 anthologies:  UNDER ONE SKY-  “TAIVAS”,  (Helicon SPB 2007), ALMANACH  NLO” - 2009– 1st prize winners’ poems, International Anthology of Poetry "ZEMLIAKI, Anthology "MAGIcal WORD" - MAGI´s writers 2010  and   7 volumes of poetry of Svetoch Fund, and those in English are included in 5 compilations of National Library of Poetry:
"The Evolving secret", "The sounds of Poetry", "The Fabric of Life" y "The Best Poems 98", Forever Spoken, 2008  - USA. The poetry of Svetlana Deon  was published in a number of Russian and Spanish magazines and newspapers, among them: Журнальный зал-"ДетиРа, «Зинзивер», "Поэтоград, "Knizhnoe Obozrenie-"Книжное обозрение",  "Piterbook"-"Питербоок",, "Slovo”(España - Portugal)- "Слово" (Испания, Португалия),, "Stantsia Mir"- "Станция Мир",, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Комсомольская Правда, MK- ESPAÑA - Московский Комсомолец.
    In 1995 the American channel RTN filmed a documentary about the literary and ballet life of Svetlana – “The poetic flight of a Russian Terpsichore”.               See photos from the movie.
             Member of:   A word from the president of MAGI (Svetlana DEON) "ON THE MAGIC OF CREATIVITY"

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 «Попрошайка любви: Роман»
Listen to the songs - CD "DON`T BREATH WITHOUT ME -
included in the book The Celestial Postman (НЕБЕСНЫЙ ПОЧТАЛЬОН)- Music composed by  Igor Tukalo, poems-Svetlana Deon.

The Lovebeggar    the Moorish Moon Confession to Eternity To love or not to love    untitled           
poems in english/russian (2006
translations of S. Deon of her own poems
Poemes translated into English
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S Deon -1992  New York
   PHoto by Nodar Djin
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Svetlana Deon and Andrei Juravlev
"SWAN LAKE" 1997
  Svetlana Deon and Andrei Juravlev
"Jiselle" 1997
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Svetlana Deon and Andrei Juravlev
"El Corsar" 1999

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